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Multicultural Business Network 2022

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
4 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 16, at 05:00 PM CST
Project Owners

What is the Multicultural Business Network?

Multicultural Business Network aims to inform, prepare, and expose opportunities to multicultural students within the Ivy College of Business and across Iowa State’s campus. Students benefit from a collection of unique opportunities for professional development such as mock interviews, panels for professional insights, networking opportunities, volunteering and meeting with potential employers. 

Donations will be used to help the club expand membership, for marketing events, and for general meetings/social events. During general meetings, we bring in guests to network with students about the information on their company and career opportunities. Members are able to network with company representatives to further expand their job opportunities.

Food is provided to members at every general meeting, and some of the money fundraised will be used for food expenses.

We also seek to design and give t-shirts to every member of the club. The t-shirts will be part of our marketing strategy by increasing awareness of our club across Iowa State.

The donated funds will also be used for tabling events in the Gerdin Business Building. Tabling events are a successful way to increase awareness about the club and gain new members. 

All of the donations are appreciated, and we thank you for helping expand our club!

Choose a giving level



Your $25 donation can help us buy supplies to set up each meeting.



Your $50 donation can help us design t-shirts for members of the organization.



Your $75 donation can help us buy t-shirts for 5 members of the club.



Your $100 donation can help us buy supplies for tabling events to expand membership.



Your $300 donation will help us purchase food for our general meetings.



Your $500 donation will help us with a t-shirt design for our club and the purchasing of t-shirts for our club.



Your $1000 donation will help us purchase advertisements to help expand club membership.

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