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Cyclone Rocketry 2023

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
82 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 14, at 06:00 PM CDT
Project Owners

Campaign conclusion: Thank you for your support!

April 14, 2023

Our campaign will be ending today at 6pm. Thanks to all of your generous contributions, we have exceeded our funding goal of $10,000! The projects we work on and experiences we offer to ISU students would not be possible without your support. 

This year's project, Intrepid, is progressing well with the recent completion of all metals manufacturing which includes our bulkheads, avionics mounting brackets, and fin edges. Composites manufacturing is also finishing up with the completion of our filament wound body tubes and two of our couplers. 

Airbrakes bulkhead being machined in Boyd Lab

We are currently working on integrating all parts of the rocket which we hope to have completed by the end of the month. Preparations are also being made for the final launch of our test vehicle this year. This launch will feature our piston ejection system, parachute reefing system, and airbrakes. 

Test vehicle being carried to the launch pad in Argonia, Kansas

Be sure to follow our social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube for more frequent updates as we prepare for the Spaceport America Cup in June.




Again, thank you for you generous donations to Cyclone Rocketry! We are very grateful for your support!

To the Cup!  

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Name hand-written on Intrepid's fin



Name on engraved workspace plaque



Name on engraved workspace plaque

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