Good Earth Student Farm is a student-run organization where students, faculty, staff, and local community members can grow their own sustainable, naturally grown produce to aid in reducing food insecurity. Our harvest is also shared with The S.H.O.P. food pantry on campus.
In 2022 Good Earth Student Farm transitioned from a traditional community-supported agriculture model to a donation-based community-supported agriculture model to continue efforts towards food security on campus. In 2022, we introduced a high tunnel system, key for an extended growing season. The high tunnel allows the student farmers to diversify the types of crops they grow and to be able to yield multiple harvests! Moreover, it also provides hospitable working conditions safe from the elements and encourages closer involvement with each other and the plants!
Transportation to and from the farm 3x a week is provided so farmers can check on and tend to their crops. This car-pooling system is not only beneficial to the environment but also lowers costs to participate for our members!
We also practice companion planting! This intercropping system is space efficient, boosts growth, repels pests, improves flavor, and reduces resources needed, such as additional irrigation and organic inputs. The plant diversity also greatly benefits our bee friends, other pollinators, and beneficial organisms!
Post-harvest, all our biomass goes to the University Compost Facility. We return all of our freshly composted biomass in the spring as organic fertilizer to incorporate into the soil. This improves the soil structure, retention of water/nutrients, attraction of beneficial organisms, and longevity!
In our short 2022 season, we donated 450 lbs of fresh produce to The S.H.O.P. Our student farmers harvested 950 lbs of produce for themselves. This year we’re taking this a step further by promoting and making healthy produce available for more community members by adding an additional high tunnel.
Why Donate to Good Earth Student Farm?
To offset the transition cost to a donation-based community-supported agricultural model, Good Earth Student Farm needs resources and supplies to provide a unique opportunity to the community! Good Earth Student Farm arranges students, faculty, staff, and local community members in a direct partnership that connects the producers and consumers within our food system. These members obtain a bountiful harvest of farm-fresh produce and gain sustainable agricultural knowledge and in-field experience on how to grow their own food. Good Earth Student Farm also continues to increase community awareness of the environmental movement and efforts made toward it! Our club officers have worked together to plan and prepare for this 2023 growing season since 2022 to ensure our operation flourishes. Your support is crucial to our efforts, and we hope you consider donating to our mission toward sustainable food security here in our community!
Donating to Good Earth Student Farm 2023 will support the overall production of the donation-based community-supported agriculture system and further our members’ sustainable food system knowledge!
Good Earth Student Farm needs your help to address food insecurity at Iowa State University now and in the future - more than ever! Data from the 2021 implementation of the National College Health Association (NCHA) on ISU’s campus indicates 31% of ISU students are food insecure. Donations help us pay for resources and materials such as the high tunnel rental, seeds, transplant soil, growing flats of seeds in the greenhouse, t-tape for drip irrigation, an additional high tunnel rental for sweet potato bed, organic fertilizer for the sweet potato bed, community outreach efforts, and the cost of donation supplies. We are looking to purchase more farm tools, an electric mower, and a trimmer to efficiently maintain the space we rent.
Additionally, we would like to send our student farmers on educational trips! The non-profit Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) is hosting an Organic Farming Conference which brings together all kinds of farmers and agricultural professionals to learn about the latest organic production methods and build a supportive community of resilient organic and sustainable farms. Sending students to the conference would provide a life-changing experience! We work extremely hard cultivating our sustainable produce and would also like to go on a one-night camping trip to explore the local environment and learn about the North-Eastern food systems of Iowa at the Seed-Savers Team-Workshop and Educational Conference!
Thank you for your support of Good Earth 2023!
If you want to learn more about our club, please contact us on any of our social media platforms, or feel free to contact anyone under the “Project Owners” section on this page.
Our Facebook Page:
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Our Discord:
Our ISU Student Organization Website:
Our Email:
Other ways to make your gift:
Checks can be made payable to ISU Foundation and mailed to:
ISU Foundation
PO Box 2230
Ames, IA 50010
Payroll deduct
Iowa State University employees may use a printable payroll deduct form that can be mailed or returned to:
ISU Foundation
PO Box 2230
Ames, IA 50010
If you have questions or would like to discuss your gift with an ISU Foundation staff member, please email or call 515-294-8536.
Could cover 50 ft of thick reusable white weed barrier for walkways!
Could cover one conference & hotel fee for one student farmer!
Could cover a large widedeck electric lawnmower with a bagger!