Thank you for helping us to purchase beds for international students who need them! Your gift matters and we appreciate your generosity!
Thank you for supporting the Rest Assured FundISU project in 2023. Your support ensured that international students could get the rest and a nurturing environment that supports their academic journey.
We've launched this year's fundraiser over at
Please consider supporting this year's project so that we can provide more beds to international students at Iowa State!
Forever True Day is live!
Iowa State’s 24-hour online giving day launched at noon (CDT) and runs through noon on April 4. This is a great opportunity for the ISC Rest Assured project to get a little extra support! Make a gift and then check out to see matches, challenges, and all kinds of excitement all across campus.
You can encourage others to make a gift on social media! Use and #ForeverTrueDay in your post for maximum impact.
Thank you for helping us get the ISC Rest Assured project a little extra support on Forever True Day!