Forever True Day is live!
Iowa State’s 24-hour online giving day launched at noon (CDT) and runs through noon on April 4. This is a great opportunity for the Student Affairs Graduate Association to get a little extra support! Make a gift and then check out to see matches, challenges, and all kinds of excitement all across campus.
You can encourage others to make a gift on social media! Use and #ForeverTrueDay in your post for maximum impact.
Thank you for helping us get the Student Affairs Graduate Association a little extra support on Forever True Day!
A donation at this level could cover snacks and other supplies for SAGA meetings and socials
A donation at this level could help cover costs associated with our graduation ceremony
A donation at this level could help cover travel costs for our annual cross-cohort field trip
A donation at this level could help cover lodging and travel to our regional conferences for one student
A donation at this level could help cover the registration fee for professional development conferences for one student