Forever True Day is live! Iowa State’s 24-hour online giving day launched at noon (CDT) and runs through noon on April 4. This is a great opportunity for CyLaunch Make 2 Innovate to get a little extra support! Make a gift and then check out to see matches, challenges, and all kinds of excitement all across campus.
You can encourage others to make a gift on social media! Use and #ForeverTrueDay in your post for maximum impact.
Thank you for helping us get CyLaunch Make 2 Innovate a little extra support on Forever True Day!
Since starting this crowdfunding campaign on March 13th, CyLaunch has been working hard to prepare for the NASA Student Launch Initiative competition in Huntsville Alabama on April 10-14. Here’s an update on what we’ve been up to.
On March 21st, CyLaunch gave our Flight Readiness Review presentation to NASA engineers to prove the design’s flight readiness. CyLaunch received positive reviews from the engineer review panel, complementing the team’s payload design and innovative 3D printed rocket design.
The fantastic folks at Chase Decals generously printed and wrapped our rocket with the design created by CyLaunch member Ellie Mittauer. Chase Decal’s generous donation adds a level of professionalism to this year’s vehicle.
On March 28th CyLaunch completed its Vehicle and Payload Demonstration Flight in North Branch, MN. Despite the 8+ inches of snow and cold temperatures, CyLaunch came through with a nominal launch with the vehicle, payload, and airbrake subsystems functioning perfectly. The rocket reached an altitude of 5010ft, only 10ft from our target altitude of 5000ft. At 400ft, our payload detached from the rest of the vehicle, making a soft touchdown under its own power.
Lastly, throughout the semester, the team has been hard at work on testing the rocket, payload, and the airbrakes the team will be using at competition. All of these tests help the team show that these systems are robust enough to withstand all flight loads and preform nominally during flight. Stephen, our team's technical advisor, created a video showing some of the testing that has been completed. Watch the video at the link here: CyLaunch Testing Video!
We also have a video highlighting our first full-scale launch of the season which can be viewed here: CyLaunch First Full-Scale Launch Video
Your contribution is appreciated! You will receive a "Thank You" on our website.
Your contribution is appreciated! You will receive a "Thank You" on our website and our social media pages.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated! You will receive a "Thank You" on our website and a card signed by all members. (Please provide address)
Your contribution is greatly appreciated! You will receive a "Thank You" on our website and a card signed by all members. (Please provide address)
Your generosity will be remembered for years to come. You will receive a "Thank You" on our website, signed card, and your name/logo will appear on our rocket.