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IMPACT 2024 Image
Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
0 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 06, at 05:00 PM CST
Project Owners


This Year's Challenge: 

IMPACT will be traveling to Huntsville, Alabama, on April 10-12, 2025, to participate in NASA’s Human Exploration Rover Challenge. This challenge involves designing and building a two-person powered rover to mimic exoplanetary conditions and be able to traverse challenging terrain. This allows IMPACT the opportunity to compete competitively in a worldwide competition hosted by NASA in Alabama. The rover, along with its two passengers, will simulate the Apollo 14 mission and have a time frame of six minutes to complete various missions on a 0.5-mile-long course.

Map of competition site for S2025.

Who are We?

We are IMPACT (Innovators Making Positive Advancement in Creative Technology), an engineering club consisting of students at Iowa State University. Our vision is to encompass many backgrounds and skills at Iowa State University and tackle real-world challenges. Our goal is to allow students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to make it tomorrow’s technology. We also pride ourselves in maximizing involvement for every member regardless of seniority, allowing everyone to gain valuable skills they can bring to employers. Everything we do is behind one vision: to create an extraordinary world.  

We Need Your Help!

Impact is a relatively new club on campus, rising in interest and cost, and we are asking for your help in any way you can! Rest assured, your donation will go directly towards purchasing and manufacturing materials, and will help cover travel expenses to the competition.

But there's a possibility of helping without money! 

Just share the link on Facebook or Twitter using the links above! 

Or like us on Instagram: @iastateimpact


Discussing lightweight wheel design.

IMPACT manufacturing components for Rover 1

IMPACT Leadership team picture.

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Thank you for your donation!



A little brains, a little bronze! Thanks for the donation!



Thanks for helping us Iron out the details!



Way to steel* the show!



Keep that can-do attitude! Please accept a signed postcard from the team!



You are a true Titan! Please accept a signed postcard from the team!

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