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Cantamus 2025

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
32 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 21, at 05:00 PM CST
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Cantamus Finland Tour

Cantamus, a nationally recognized treble-voice choir at Iowa State University, has received an amazing invitation to tour in Finland and Sweden with two renowned women’s quartets and participate in an international vocal festival! This tour will happen in June 2025 and, while the Iowa State Singers and the Wind Ensemble tour frequently, it will be the first time than any of our treble voice ensembles have been offered such an opportunity.

Listen to Cantamus sing the Finnish pieces that started us on the road to this amazing trip! 


We will spend 12 days in Scandinavia with concerts in Helsinki, Stockholm, Tampere, and on the overnight ferry between the countries. We are hosting a choral festival for amateur choirs in Helsinki. We also have workshop opportunities to experience Sami indigenous music and Swedish herding calls, which have become an ancient art form.

More than half of these singers have never traveled outside the United States and, for many, never out of the Midwest. Most of them are full-time students and many are also working one or two part-time jobs to pay for their own education. The program costs $3000 per singer, which is an amazing price tag for a 12-day tour including airfare, but an unsurmountable barrier for some of the students. We are hoping to ultimately raise $12,000, which would allow students to go who otherwise won't be able to afford the trip. Any funds raised beyond that amount will provide some scholarship money to all travelers and/or reduce their program costs by paying for some incredible tour elements we have planned.

Please consider helping with tax-free donation to Cantamus by clicking "Make a Gift" above.

We also accept checks!

Checks can be made payable to ISU Foundation and mailed to:

ISU Foundation, PO Box 2230, Ames, IA 50010

Please note "Cantamus FundISU" on your check.

Donations of ALL sizes help us reach our goal, and donations will be matched 1:1 up to $5000. That means your donation will automatically be doubled!

Watch our 2024 conference performance at last year’s Midwest Region of the American Choral Director’s Association in Omaha, NE.

Learn even more about Cantamus, including video and audio from past performances.

Follow along our adventures on social media!

Instagram: isu.cantamus

Facebook: Iowa State University Cantamus Choir

We are incredibly grateful for your support! Thank you so much!

Choose a giving level


You’ve Got a Friend

Thank you! Every donation is appreciated and gets us closer to our goal!


Travel Companion

Your gift could cover our ISU concert attire or a singer’s train ticket to the festival.


Take Me Home

Your gift could cover incidental costs for one singer during our 12-day trip. Momentos and Moomins galore! (A Moomin is a favorite Swedish cartoon figure – kind of a cross between a hippo and a marshmallow!)


Herd You Call!

Your gift could sponsor one of our three workshops: Sami Music and Traditions, Swedish Folk Music and Lore, and Ancient Herding Calls, or our entry into the Tampereen Sävel vocal festival.


Dinner and a Show

Your gift could cover our custom music arrangements from Kardemimmit. Your name could be listed as a commissioning donor!


Professional Developer

Your gift could sponsor our workshop and concert with Kongero in Sweden. We would love to give you a signed memento and a recording from a tour event!


The Gift of Opportunity

Your gift could award a 100% scholarship to a student dependent on assistance to travel. A donor at this level would receive a personalized thank-you from a group member.

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