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American Meteorological Society 2025

Raised toward our $4,000 Goal
19 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 21, at 05:00 PM CST
Project Owners

American Meteorological Society 2025

The Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society at Iowa State University (AMS at ISU) is excited to announce that we are attending the 106th AMS Annual Meeting and 25th Annual Student Conference in January 2026! With your support, ISU AMS students can present their original research with both poster and oral presentations, learn about cutting-edge research in the field, and network with professionals and graduate school advisors at the career and resource fair. Students will also explore careers, attend broadcast meteorology tape swaps, construct professional resumes, and practice interview skills at the 25th Annual Student Conference.  A total of 39 students attended the 105th Annual Meeting in January, a record attendance. 

During the 2024-2025 school year, our chapter has strived for academic excellence, strong community outreach, and building relationships between members. This year our students have had numerous opportunities to network with professionals in the field. We have focused on our chapter's outreach, headed by the outreach chair, Jordan Howell, and the outreach committee. This group of students works to help educate students at local schools, build anemometer kits, and speak at conferences for young students in STEM. Our Female Engagement Officer aims to ensure the involvement of women in our chapter and encourage our female students to network with other female alumni. Maddie Medvec, Female Engagement Officer, has worked to have fun activities and professional development sessions with alumni and women in the field for the women in our chapter. Our Sophomore Chair, Caleb O'Gara, does a great job including new students to the major and familiarizing them with the department and other students in the major. In addition to your gifts, students work in football, basketball, and volleyball concession stands to raise money for the AMS Annual Meeting. Between your generous donations, and hard work at concessions, students have the opportunity to fully fund their trip to the AMS conference.

If you are interested in learning more about what our chapter is up to, please follow us on Instagram and X @isuams and join our Facebook group ISU AMS

Thank you so much for supporting the next generation of meteorologists!

 AMS at ISU attendees of the 105th AMS Conference in New Orleans (2025)

Undergraduate Sophie Miller presenting her research poster at the 105th AMS Conference

 Cy's Eyes on the Skies students traveled to KCCI to network and create professional reels to improve their broadcasting abilities.

One of our first Female Engagement Officer Events bringing women of the major together for an ice breaker event.

Sophomore Chair event where upper classmen got to meet and get to know some of the new students. 

  Students participate in basketball concessions to raise money for the conference.

Choose a giving level



Support our cause by helping to pay for a student's meal while at the conference!



Support a student's academic development by funding one registration to the 23rd AMS Student Conference!



Allow a student to grow professionally by funding one student's registration to the 104th AMS Annual Meeting!



Support a student academically AND professionally by funding one registration at both the 23rd AMS Student Conference and 104th AMS Annual Meeting!



A gift at this level can help fund airfare, taxis, and shuttles for one student to attend the 2024 National Conference.



A gift at this level can help fund the hotel cost for one student to attend the 2024 National Conference.

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