I'm wrapping up a busy, exciting week in New Orleans with the Ecological Society of America #ESA2018 conference! I've enjoyed working with a passionate team of student leaders this past year as Chair of the ESA Student Section. We put a lot of work and planning into the student workshops and events within the conference and the feedback has been very positive. It's also fun to meet new friends and reconnect with old ones here at the conference -- like Ashley Kennedy!
I'll be back in the field as soon as I return to Iowa. Until then, thanks to ESA for this opportunity to be a leader, mentor and presenter.
Almost half way there! WOW! Thank you so much for all of your support and encouragement.
Research update: We have been watching monarchs since June 27th. So far we have released and observed 66 females. Only three flew away with our expensive backpacks. We plan to keep working until Labor Day! All the extra funds for transmitters are allowing us to have a FULL SEASON!
It’s one week since my #MonarchTag crowdfunding launched and it’s been a whirlwind! I really appreciate all of the overwhelming support and interest in my research. It's amazing that we've raised more than one-third towards the goal already -- thank you!
I was recently interviewed by the Ames Tribune about my work and its implications for ongoing conservation efforts -- read more here: http://www.amestrib.com/news/20180713/isu-student-using-radio-telemetry-to-track-monarch-butterflies
Stay tuned,
Kelsey Fisher
ISU Entomology PhD student
Help our project hatch with your donation! During its life, a monarch spends 3-5 days in its egg stage before hatching.
After hatching from its egg, a monarch caterpillar spends 10-14 days eating milkweed & growing -- quickly! Tell your friends about our project & help us grow as fast as a caterpillar.
Offer your support to this regal insect as it forms its signature green & gold chrysalis. Share YOUR green to support groundbreaking research!
Spread your wings and take in the view! Your donation will help us purchase field supplies for 100+ days of summer research.
Each tiny transmitter can be used multiple times in the field. A donation at this level will purchase 1 new transmitter or 2 refurbished transmitters -- your generosity will multiply!
We're experts with a butterfly net and your support will yield "net" benefits. Literally!