Once again, the Iowa State University Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society is attending the AMS Annual Meeting and Student Conference. We have already begun planning our trip to the 101st Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana in January 2021!
We greatly appreciate your support in aiding our student’s attendance at the 100th Annual Meeting during last year’s campaign. In order to continue giving our students the opportunity to present their original research, network with professionals and graduate schools, and learn about different career paths and current research, we have launched another campaign for the 101st Annual Meeting. If you are able, any contributions would be sincerely appreciated. Our project page is located here: https://fundisu.foundation.iastate.edu/AMS.
Thank you for your continued support of our students!
This is it! Only 3 days remain for the project which will send our student members to the 100th AMS Annual Meeting in Boston next January! With your support, a gracious $520 amount has been raised to this point. We cannot thank our donors enough for their contributions.
As the days wind down, please feel free to share the project link with other family, friends, and personal networks. We want to maximize our time with the ISU Foundation platform, so greater exposure would help to bring us closer to the project goal within the last week!
Link: https://fundisu.foundation.iastate.edu/project/12981
With only 10 days left for the project, we could still use more help to reach our project goal of $3000! There is still time to donate for the cause. These funds will be distributed to student members who will participate in the 2020 AMS Annual Meeting in Boston. Assisting students with hotel and travel costs allows more students to partake in this professional opportunity in the field.
Numerous contributions have already been graciously provided by several donors, and we would like to sincerely thank everyone for their willingness to help our students have the chance to attend the AMS Centennial Celebration! Your contributions ease the financial burden placed on students to develop professional skills and network with scientists at the meeting.
After two weeks with the project, we have raised 15% of our project goal! This progress stems from the generous contributions provided my several donors. We could not have gotten this far without your help! Thank you!
There is still a good amount to cover before we reach the project goal of $3000. With three weeks left before the project ends, we could still use your support during the second half of the project timeline! It's not too late to donate if you are still thinking about supporting our students' travel expenses for the 100th AMS Annual Meeting and 19th Student Conference in Boston this January! Please feel free to contact one of the project owners with any questions about the project or the upcoming conference trip.
After a full week, we have seen multiple donations come in for the project! Thank you so much to those who gave so early! There is still plenty of time to help out and see how much we can all accomplish together!
Help support our cause by helping to pay for a student's meal while at the conference!
Support a student's academic development by paying for registration to the 19th AMS Student Conference!
Give a student the opportunity to grow professionally by funding a student's registration to the 100th AMS Annual Meeting!
Support a student academically AND professionally by paying for registration at both the 19th AMS Student Conference and 100th AMS Annual Meeting!
Help a student travel to the conference by paying for airfare, taxis, shuttles, etc.!