Forever True Day is live!
Iowa State’s 24-hour online giving day launched at noon (CDT) and runs through noon on April 4. This is a great opportunity for the ISU Softball Club to get a little extra support! Make a gift and then check out to see matches, challenges, and all kinds of excitement all across campus.
You can encourage others to make a gift on social media! Use and #ForeverTrueDay in your post for maximum impact.
Thank you for helping us get the ISU Softball Club a little extra support on Forever True Day!
Thank you everyone for being a supporter of our club! We are raising money for equipment, travel, lodging, umpires, jerseys, and tournaments. Please if you can, donate to our cause!
This generous donation can help with hotel room expenses for the regional tournament!
This generous donation can help with tournament fees so that we represent Iowa State at nationals in Georgia!