Vera Rubin studied galaxy rotation rates, leading to the discovery of dark matter. You will cover one student's lunch.
Lise Meitner discovered nuclear fission. You will cover two students' lunches.
Rosalind Franklin's x-ray diffraction experiments revealed the double-helix structure of DNA. You will pay for one student's banquet dinner!
Millie Dresselhaus, the "queen of carbon," studied structures from graphite to carbon nanotubes. Your donation will cover all of a student's meals!
Emmy Noether developed many aspects of abstract algebra, and used these to explain the connection between symmetries and conservation laws. Your donation will cover a student's lodging!
Maria Goeppert-Mayer proposed the nuclear shell model of atomic nuclei, and won the Nobel Prize in 1963. Your donation will allow one more student to attend the conference!
Marie Curie developed the theory of radioactivity. She is the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physics (1901), as well as the first to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1911), and the only person to ever win two Nobel Prizes in the sciences. Your donation will allow two more students to attend the conference!