Reporters are the foundation of our newspaper. We wouldn't be able to produce nearly the amount of content on a daily basis without them. Strong in numbers and with your powers combined, you make a huge impact.
Senior reporters have learned the ropes. They're training new reporters on their beats and are creating seasoned content on a daily basis. A donation on this level is powerful in supporting and combining with the work of larger donations.
You're working your way up! Your role is vital to the newsroom. You're the first person to see content, catch errors and give stories the green light to print. You support your editor and your reporters at the same time. A real key player right in the middle. A donation of this level pays for gas — a real help on our longer trips.
Clarity and accuracy is the name of your game. You're a specialist in your beat and you've earned a trusted relationship with your sources. A donation at this level combined with just one or two others will pay for hotel rooms and registrations.
You operate the newsroom efficiently and compassionately. You see the whole picture and combine the creativity of a writer with the strategic mind of an operations manager. You truly are the go-to for anything your staff needs. A donation at this level pays for a hotel room, gas to and from a destination, a conference registration and in cases of national travel, part of a flight.
As the highest officer in the newsroom, your job is not only to steer the direction of the newspaper, its voice and its vision, but also to be the face of the organization in the community. A donation at this level allows us freedom to cover and attend events we otherwise could not, and takes our paper to a level of professionalism we are continuously striving for.
As the adviser of one of the best college newspapers in the nation, you're continuously pushing us to be our best. You've inspired a greatness and passion for journalism in students who are now professionals across the country, furthering and bettering our industry on a daily basis. A donation on this level is truly a game-changer for us.